Sunday, November 13, 2011

Zoya Jem!!

Hello everyone! I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend! I have had a very busy one, it was great though!

Tonight I have for you a polish that can't help but take me back to my childhood, the lovely Zoya Jem. Anybody else remember Jem and the Holograms?! Or am I just showing my age? Here is the theme song - you can be taken back like me. Or you may think I am totally old and can't believe what you're seeing. 

Okay, now onto the reason you're all here. I bought Jem back a while back when Zoya was having one of their awesome promos (I wish more companies would do this).  Jem is a dark vampy, shimmery purple but shifts to dark burgundy, gold and sometimes copper. It is amazing. Everybody should own this color.

This is also serving as the base of an amazing Fall stamping design I did, I will show you that in the next post! It is one of my most favorite manis ever!

 Sorry this pic is so fuzzy, my camera had a hard time with this color and I didn't realize it until I had already stamped over it. :(

I know my pictures were not the best in this post, I apologize for that. I wish I would have checked them before I stamped over it. I hope you enjoyed this post anyway!! How many of you remember Jem? Be honest now!



  1. I totally had the Jem doll too. Truly outrageous. HAHAHA.

  2. I loved Jem and the holograms, one Christmas when I was 8 Santa Claus brought me nothing but Jem stuff, It was great lol. I am so kicking myself for not getting this polish in the Halloween promotion they did.

  3. Glad I am not alone!!! And Amber, this color really is so pretty! You should get it on their next promo!!


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