Thursday, September 22, 2016

31 Day Challenge: Day 20 - Water Marble

Happy Thursday! I am back with another look for the 31 Day Challenge! This one sort of feels like a "cheat" because I did an accent nail rather than all of my nails - but this took me forever! I am not talented at water marbling so I am calling this accent nail a success! LOL!

I used Pahlish Melody Malone as my base for this look. I then used Melody Malone with Cuccio Colours Prince I've Been Gone, Count Me In, Wild Knights and Fair Game to marble. I did learn a lot during this water marbling session and it makes me want to try again - sometime a while down the road. ;)

And if course I had to add a matte topcoat...

I'm hoping to get another design or two done before I head out of town for the weekend! So hopefully I will see you back tonight!

Thanks for reading and happy polishing!


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