Wednesday, September 14, 2016

31 Day Challenge: Day 13 - Peacock Feathers

Happy Hump Day! We are finally getting close-ish to the weekend! I am still working my way through the 31 Day Challenge. Still slightly behind but I am enjoying it and doing it as I can, which is what's important to me! Today's prompt is animal print and I really wanted to challenge myself to think outside the box of typical animal print and decided to do some peacock feathers!

This was actually my second try at this mani. The first one was horrible so I took it off and tried it from a different approach and I am really happy with how it turned out! Peacock feathers were much harder than I anticipated!

I used Darling Diva Polish Skinny Dipping at the Bellagio as my base, which is a gorgeous teal shimmer that was an exclusive to Cocktails and Colors in Vegas this year. Once I was finished I topped the whole mani off with KBShimmer Oh Matte!. I'm certain I have too many photos of this one but I couldn't narrow them down!

I hope you're enjoying the 31 Day Challenge as much as I am!

Thanks for reading and happy polishing!


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