Friday, August 31, 2012

Doctor Who Celebration Collaboration Mani Day!

Hello again everyone! September 1st is the premiere of the new season of Doctor Who in the UK and to celebrate several of my blogging friends/Whovians and myself  decided to do Doctor Who manis!

I had several ideas for manis - a TARDIS (of course), a Dalek, the logo, etc. but I am not talented enough in  my art skills to pull that off and have them look decent. But I love the background scene that plays during the opening theme song, I had thoughts before deciding to do a Doctor Who mani that that would make an awesome mani. So that's just what I did, and I think it turned out pretty darn well! If you don't know what I am referring to, here is a screenshot:

Doctor Who Opening Theme Song Image

For this mani I used a new-to-me technique, the "Saran Wrap/plastic wrap technique." The only problem was when I sat down to do it I realized I was out of plastic wrap! LOL So, I improvised and used a plastic baggie.I tried many different layering combos before I found one that I actually liked. I ended up using Pure Ice French Kiss as my base, followed by a layer of black that I used the baggie on and then a layer of Zoya Suri that I also used the baggie on. The two most important tips I can give you with this technique are 1) make sure your base coat is COMPLETELY dry before adding another layer and using the plastic and 2) do not "over dab" - this takes off too much polish.

Doctor Who mani

Doctor Who mani

Doctor Who mani

Doctor Who mani

Doctor Who mani

Doctor Who mani

Doctor Who mani

I hope you enjoyed this post!

Don't forget to check out all of my fellow bloggers manis below! There will be new additions through Monday!



  1. Love it! I still haven't worked up the courage to try the saran wrap mani! Great job!

  2. Great job Ashley!! I will be doing my nerdlacquer tomorrow..

  3. Looks great! I LOVE Doctor Who too, so this mani is especially awesome :D So excited for the premiere!

  4. As I am not a Whovian (oh man.. great word!) I can't say anything on that issue, but I really like your mani!
    I love the color combo, the texture, the randomness! Everything!
    And yes, it even resembles the captured picture you posted ;-))

  5. This looks gorgeous, I love the colour combination!!! I need to try that saran wrap thing :)

  6. Ok time to Netflix this series. I love sci fi so why hvent I seen it?? Love the nails too!


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