Thursday, August 9, 2012

a England Tristam - Swatches and Review

As I mentioned in my a England Lady of the Lake post, I also recently got a England Tristam. This one, like it's purple counterpart, does not disappoint. There's really not much to say - amazing formula, perfect application (could be a one-coater), stunningly beautiful. These pictures are two coats topped with one coat of Poshe.

The first two photos are taken inside under artificial light and the others are taken outside....

a England Tristam - inside

a England Tristam - inside

a England Tristam - outside

a England Tristam - outside

a England Tristam - outside

a England Tristam - outside

a England Tristam - outside

a England Tristam - outside

a England Tristam - outside

The last two are slightly blurred to show the holo goodness...

a England Tristam - outside

a England Tristam - outside

What do you think of Tristam? I am absolutely in love.

a England can be purchased directly from the a England website where they retail for £9. They can also be purchased from Ninja PolishOverall Beauty and Llarowe. Make sure to "like" a England's Facebook page for all the latest news and sales!



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