Sunday, September 21, 2014

Pink and Black Water Marble

Nothing to Disclose

Oh water marbling, why are you so beautiful, yet so difficult for me? This is the day I have been dreading most out of this whole challenge. I had plans of getting started on this early this morning but that didn't happen. I didn't get a chance to start it until a little before 6 PM. I tried (and failed) for over 5 hours until I settled on this manicure. I'm not 100% happy with it, but it's the best I could do, at least today.  I was really happy with my middle nail - until I bumped it and messed up the corner. That was just how my day went today! LOL

I used OPI Mod About You and a plain black creme. I saw Nicole over at Nail Polish Wars do a freaking amazing marble using these colors (you can see her post here) and I knew I just had to try the same combo. I only wish I could marble half as well as she can! But I will continue to practice. I did troubleshoot several issues I was having so hopefully in the future I will do one I'm happy with. 

Thanks for reading and happy polishing! ♥


  1. I love these colors together, this is very pretty!

  2. Great color combo with the pink and black. I like you middle nail best but the marble on the pinky has an interesting pattern too. These watermarbles are fun to look at as every nail comes out a little different. I've never tried the technique yet. I am impressed by these manicures.


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