Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dandy Nails Colorblind² (Colorblind Squared) - Swatches and Review

I hope you are ready for another Dandy Nails polish, I know I am! The one I have for you tonight is Colorblind² and it is just as awesome as the original Colorblind but very different. Colorblind² is small square black and white matte glitters where the original Colorblind is large hex black and white matte glitters.

I put one coat of Colorblind² over Sinful Colors Summer Peach but no matter what I did I could not capture the true color of Summer Peach. These photos are the closest I could get but this combo is much more amazing in person. I will definitely be putting Colorblind² over more neons this Summer! It's like a party on my nails!

Please excuse the tip wear; I had been wearing this for awhile before I had the chance to take photos. This is one coat of Colorblind² topped with one coat of Cult Nails Wicked Fast. As with all other Dandy Nails that I have tried I had excellent application and zero issues.

Which Colorblind do you prefer? I love them both!

You can see my other Dandy Nails posts by clicking in the links here:

You can purchase Dandy Nails at her Etsy shop HERE. She is opening tomorrow (June 1st) at 4 PM EST! Also make sure to follow her Facebook page for updates!


  1. I didn't think I'd like Colorblind^2 so much but it looks awesome!

  2. Holy CRAP that's amazing!!! Love it over the neon!

  3. Looks so bright and pretty with the orange!

  4. wow! This combo looks amazing! Love it!

  5. What a cool combo! Looks like salt & peppa!


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