Friday, February 17, 2012

Misa Let's Go Green

Happy Friday everyone!! Sorry for the lack of post yesterday, it has been busy lately! 

I have another Misa for you today and it is total awesomesauce. I am really falling in love with Misa polishes. They have an amazing formula and this shimmer that seems to be really unique, I think I need more of them! (Of course LOL)

Let's Go Green is this awesome lime green but the really amazing thing about it is the gold shimmer. OMG. When I was looking at this polish in the bottle I thought for sure it would be really sheer and need several coats for full opacity. I considered layering it from the start but decided I would give it a shot on its own. I am glad I did, it only took 2 coats for full opacity! I am majorly impressed!

Another thing I really love about this color, and this is a personal reason for me, is because it is the color of my dream car! Ever since I was a little girl I have wanted a Chevy Camaro. I have always wanted a red one (because I am a red freak LOL) but a few months ago I saw a lime green one with racing stripes and it was instant love. SO FREAKING HOT. 

This is 2 coats of Let's Go Green topped with Nubar Diamont Topcoat.

And for those of you who want to drool over my dream car (that I am determined to own someday) here ya go!!

Misa can be purchased for $7.50 at They can also be found (cheaper!) at Head2Toe Beauty.

You can follow Misa on Facebook and Twitter as well!!


  1. I Know Somebody Who Has A Camaro That Looks Exactly Like That... And I Want It... :o)... On A Polish Note Though, This Is Beau-t-ful

  2. Wow! I didn't realize it had that shimmer!

  3. This is a super pretty colour! I didn't realise it had shimmer too!x


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