Thursday, February 2, 2012

Lynnderella Lucky Numbers

Who else is excited that tomorrow is Friday??? I know I am!!! Today I have another awesome Lynnderella!! It just so happens to be the one in my February Giveaway (this is my own bottle, not the one in the giveaway). Lucky Numbers is simply amazing. It is black and red glitter in all sorts of shapes and sizes. I see circles, squares, bars and hexes, oh my!! But what really sets this apart from other glitter polishes is the shimmer in the base. It has an almost iridescent quality that shifts from a pink tone to a gold tone. It is amazing!! In some lighting it seemed to shift my base of Essence Romeo to a light purplish color, STUNNING!!! 

The following is 2 coats of Lucky Numbers topped of with 1 coat of Gelous and 1 coat of Orly Won't Chip.

What do you think of Lucky Numbers? Lynderella retail for $15 and can only be purchased at Llarowe as of now. They are currenntly out of stock but there should be another shipment coming soon. You can sign up for email updates at Llarowe as well as following Leah Ann (the owner of Llarowe) on her Facebook page or Twitter.

Don't forget to enter my February giveaway for your chance to win Lucky Numbers!!


  1. Wow, very unusual. I would wear this with a nice pumpkin creme for Halloween. Thanks for sharing an "off the beaten path" colour with us today! : )

  2. Wow, unusual colour; I can't see it working in my personal polish collection, but I do appreciate you reviewing an "off the beaten path" colour today. : )

  3. ohmygosh! so pretty! I'm loving these Lynderella swatches!!!

  4. AH!! I want it! LOL Love the shimmer and the way it change Romeo

  5. I can't get enough Lynnderellas. They all are so cool!!

  6. Wow! Lynderella polishes are in my dreams lately!
    Thanks for the swatch!

  7. the shimmer is beautiful! not sure if i like the combination of glitters in this but i do love all the lynnderella swatches!


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