Friday, April 13, 2012

Zoya Beach Collection Wear Test

Happy Friday everyone! I completely forgot today was Friday the 13th until someone told me a little while ago. LOL This is just a quick post to show you how well my Zoya Beach Collection skittles have worn! If you missed the original post you can find it HERE. I have been wearing this mani for 3 full days (yes, 72 hours LOL). This is just about the longest I wear a mani, especially since I started blogging. I tend to change every day (or at least every other day) but I loved this one so much I kept it on longer. 

I was very impressed with how well this wore. Absolutely NO chips and minimal tip wear. As you can see in the photo I had the most noticeable wear on my "outer" fingers, index and pinky. This was less noticeable in person than in the pic (macro shows EVERYTHING LOL).

I used to have an issue with Zoya chipping horribly on me. I realized that it was the Seche Vite I was using with it. Apparently Zoya and some fast dry top coats don't play well together. For this mani I used Orly Sec 'N Dry and had no issues.

Sorry for the horrible picture, I was in a hurry!

I am so impressed with both these colors and the wear! I can't wait to get the rest of Zoya's summer collection! Now for all of the info and links!

Zoya recently started a very awesome program called Share the Love. With Share the Love you earn points and with each number of points you get certain rewards (money off purchases, free polish, etc.) Right now if you don't have a Zoya account you can sign up using my link and you will automatically get a free bottle of polish added on to your very first order! You can find my link HERE

Make sure to follow Zoya on Facebook and Twitter as well!

I appreciate any and all comments, likes, pins, +1's, etc.! Thank you so much for reading!


  1. This orange is amazing, love this collection :)

  2. i never even thought about some top coats working better or worse with different polishes...thanks for bringing that to my attention! i'll have to keep my eye on my combinations and their outcomes. The colors are great too!

    1. I have learned a lot in the past few months about top coats, base coats, etc.I am glad I could help! And yes, I am in love with this entire collection, I definitely need the rest!

  3. Thanks for doing the research with the Seche Vite. I am a new polish addict and am like "why is this expensive polish chipping when I bought this expensive top coat!?!?"

  4. I took advantage of the new Zoya promo and was abel to snag Wednesday, Arizona and got Reagan for free!!!

  5. I applaud you for wearing the same mani for 3 days!!!

  6. Gorgeous colours, and the stamps are so cute and fun!! :D

  7. Great mani! And thanks for the heads up with SV. I've had trouble with Zoya chipping but maybe it's my darn SV!

  8. I love this skittle and nail art, Ash! I but have somehow missed the original post!

  9. Ooo this mani is so fun and has put me in the mood for summer!!! I so need these Zoyas, badly!


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