Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Digit-al Dozen Does New and Improved: Day 2 - Needle Drag

Hello, hello! It's Day 2 of Digit-al Dozen New and Improved Week and I have a technique that I have tried (and failed) at many times! I did manage a pretty good toothpick marble a couple of years ago (which you can see here) that I did using a tutorial from Sheila at Pointless Cafe. However, I've tried several times since then with no success. Maybe it was beginner's luck? LOL Anyway, I decided I wanted to try this design from Sveta Sanders - which was completely insane. I tried for over an hour and was ready to throw in the towel until I got some help from Sheila. It took me awhile and lots of tweaking but with her help I was able to get a design I was pretty happy with!

I used China Glaze Too Yacht to Handle as my base (my obsession for this color that started last year is still going strong - I'm nearing the end of this bottle!) and created the design using Sinful Colors High Spirits, which I received as a very sweet RAOK from Steph over at Imperfectly Painted. (Thanks Steph, I love it!)  I think these colors look really great together!

Make sure you check out the gorgeous manis below!

Thanks for reading and happy polishing!



  1. That looks great Ashley. I can never get it to work properly, and I've tried many times over the years. I think for me most of the time the polish dries too fast. I also have a hard time with getting it to not drag all the way down to the nail bed no matter how lightly I drag, or how wet or thick the polish is.
    Yours looks great!

    1. Thank you, Pam! My main issue was dragging it to the nail bed as well. I tried several different polish combos and tools. I used a toothpick on some of them (my ring finger here was a toothpick) and I even tried a small nail art brush, which helped me control the polish a little better and not go as deep.

  2. That looks great Ashley. I can never get it to work properly, and I've tried many times over the years. I think for me most of the time the polish dries too fast. I also have a hard time with getting it to not drag all the way down to the nail bed no matter how lightly I drag, or how wet or thick the polish is.
    Yours looks great!

  3. It turned out great! I haven't tried this method yet; it seems hard though so it might be one of those that I will admire but never do!

  4. Oh how pretty!! I'd say these were well worth the trouble!


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