Monday, August 10, 2015

The Digit-al Dozen Does Food: Day 1 - Sweet Treats

Good evening! I am so happy to be back for another week of Digit-al Dozen nail art! I was really sad that I missed July because I was really looking forward to the neon theme, but with all I had going on it just wasn't happening. So, I am back for this month and the theme is food! I thought some sweet treats would be appropriate for Monday, because who doesn't want something sweet to perk up their Monday?

I attempted my first stamping decals for this mani because I got the Über Mat last week and couldn't wait to try. I only had fast drying top coat, which isn't great for decals, so they didn't turn out the best. But, for a first attempt I  guess they aren't too bad! The ice cream cone on my ring finger was done freehand using acrylic paint, all other nails were stamping decals.

As you can see, there's a little sweet treat for everyone! Pies, cupcakes, ice cream, candy and even apples for the health conscious. I would personally go for the ice cream or cupcakes though. ;) 

I used Colors by Llarowe Girls Shift Faster as my base (review of that coming soon), and topped it with Cult Nails Wax That. 

Make sure you check out all of the other awesome manis below!

Thanks for reading and happy polishing!



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