Good evening! Who else is thrilled that another Monday is over with? I know I'm not the only one! (I would really hate to be Monday though. How sad must Monday be? No wonder it hates us back!) Anyway, I have a post for you today that I should have posted Friday, but the last few days have been crazy so here it is.
The final prompt in the 13 Days of January Nail Art Challenge is "something you've never done before." Well, I had never done a negative space mani before because I'm not a huge fan of them. I like a few that I have seen but mostly they aren't my thing. Plus my nails are pretty stained so the only space I felt comfortable "exposing" my nails was at the base. I'm also not typically a fan of half moon manis on myself (though I do love them on other people), but I figured I'd give them another shot.

I apologize for the quality of the photo (phone pic). I didn't intend on leaving them like this and just snapped this pic quickly to show a friend. I freehanded the half moons and I am pretty proud of how those turned out! I did attempt to add some art on top but it just didn't turn out well so I decided to stick with these instead. Sometimes clean and simple is the best! And I actually enjoyed wearing these. Half moons and negative space - I sure didn't expect to like it but I ended up wearing them all weekend. The red I used is SinfulSHINE Devious.
I hope you enjoyed this nail art challenge, even if I did post late for most of it! LOL
Thanks for reading and happy polishing!