Sunday, April 8, 2012

a England Dragon - Swatches and Review

I attempted several Easter-themes manis last night (at around 2 AM LOL) and I wasn't happy with how any of them turned out. I decided to use one of my amazing untrieds that is happy and very Spring-y and I am so happy I did.

a England Dragon is a mossy green with tightly scattered, almost linear holo bits scattered throughout. Pure love in a bottle. The formula on this is simply amazing, I only needed ONE coat. I attempted some stamping designs and had to go over my nails with more Dragon when I didn't like how it turned out but my pinky only has one coat. You can tell there is no difference in the color or opacity at all. This shocked me, I NEVER use one coat of any polish and holos are notorious for being sheer. Great job to Adina and a England! I did use a top coat for these photos and it did not change the holo effect.

My pictures do not do justice to this amazing polish. It is so stunning in person, if you like green or holo at all you definitely need this one! 

You can purchase a England polishes from Leah Ann at Llarowe or directly from the a England site in the UK HERE. You can also visit a England on Facebook!


  1. Amazing! That's one of my favorites for sure. ♥

  2. Such a gorgeous green for Spring but really, I'd be thrilled to be wearing it anytime. =)

  3. Oh I want this! I love these kinds of greens!

  4. For each picture I see of this polish I love it even more. :)

  5. GORGEOUS!!! I'm totally in love!!!
    I wanted to order this one too but it was out of stock :-(
    But I am definitely going to wait for it to restock and make my order!!!

  6. I have this sitting in my untrieds! I need to try it! Looks great on you!

  7. I love the A England holos they are superior scattered holos in my opinion. I have several from this collection and this is one of my faves!


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