Wednesday, January 7, 2015

13 Days Of January Nail Art Challenge, Day 3: Half and Half

Good evening! I'm back with a late post for the 13 Days of January Nail Art Challenge! Today's prompt is "half and half" and I am pretty happy with my mani despite doing it quickly and at the last minute!

Post continued after the jump!

I decided to do a bright and fun mani since I've been wearing so many dark and vampy colors lately. I started off with a vertical gradient of Elevation Polish Sunset Among the Palms and Barry M Gelly in Plum (1). Unfortunately you can't really tell it's a gradient because the Barry M was dark and very opaque and kind of "took over" the Elevation. You can see the Elevation on my thumb better than the other nails.

After the gradient was top coated and dry I used Barry M Gelly in Key Lime to freehand some abstract zebra stripes over Sunset Among the Palms. I used Elevation Polish Ortler and a small dotting tool to create the leopard print on the other half of my nail. I like it both shiny (above) and matte (below), but I think I prefer it matte.

Make sure to check out all the other half and half manis below!

Thanks for reading and happy polishing!


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