Monday, January 5, 2015

13 Days Of January Nail Art Challenge, Day 2: Happiness

It's late in the day, but it is still Monday so I am not too late for the 13 Days of January Challenge! Today's theme is "happiness." I was originally going to do a dog-themed mani because my dogs make me happy, but I knew of 2 friends who were doing that today so I decided I'd do something else. Friends and family and other things that make me happy were hard to translate to nail art so I decided to go with something that always makes me happy - rain!

Yes, you heard correctly. I LOVE the rain! Any rainy, or even just cloudy and overcast, makes me a happy gal. It doesn't rain often here in the Arizona desert so I thoroughly enjoy it every time it does.

This manicure looks so much better in person. I took about a million pictures in every lighting situation and my pictures just wouldn't turn out for some reason. It really has so much depth in person. All of the polishes I used are from the upcoming Elevation Polish A Journey Told Through Music Collection that I will have swatches of tomorrow! 

Make sure to check out the other manis below!

Thanks for reading and happy polishing!


  1. Love this. I don't love the rain. But I love this!

  2. *gasp* You love the rain?! Lol. I'll admit rain makes me the opposite of happy, I think I was a cat in another life and I hate water hahaha. Anyway, love your mani though the clouds are perfect!


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