Thursday, February 9, 2012

FEVERlacquer Nail Mail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you follow me on my Facebook page you have seen me talking about FEVERlacquer, the EXCITING new indie or franken brand created by my friend Cas. (I will post all links pertaining to FEVERlacquer at the bottom of this post) The nail polish world is being taken over by indie brands and they are AH-MAZING. Cas sets herself apart from the rest, not only are her creations gorgeous but they are also 3 FREE and she lists ALL ingredients used on the bottles. How cool is that?! Cas is very into baby- and pregnancy-safe products (especially since having her precious little girl Violet) so it is very important to her to make her polish safe for everyone.

The very first polish released is called I Lie For....Only You. It is a gorgeous blue jelly with black and silver glitter. I will get into details of the polish more after I use it.

Something else that makes FEVERlacquer special to me is that I actually named it. :-) We were chatting one night with some of our other friends and we were all throwing out suggestions (mostly silly ones LOL) but then Cas said Violet had just woken up with a fever. It hit me like a ton of bricks, FEVER! That would be an awesome name for her polish brand!! (FYI, Violet was fine, just teething. <3) Cas loved it and FEVERlacquer was born!! I love that she used my suggestion, it makes me feel so special. 

As a thank you for helping her name her brand I received the very first bottle of FEVERlacquer ever made. Number ONE out of the very first batch of 20! Thank you so much Cas, I was not expecting that!! OK, let's get onto the pics so I can go put this on my nails. ;-)

No, that is not a typo. LOL Cas calls me Hashley or Hash. ;-)

Cas used some of Violet's old diapers too package the polish in. So cute. LOL

NUMBER 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time for the links!!

Cas is also a blogger (although she doesn't blog as much lately since she is busy creating awesome polish) and her blog is The Mani-Logues

She has created a blog just for FEVERlacquer to keep everyone informed and to show sneak peeks at upcoming polishes. You can find it at HERE.

One last link, she has also created a Facebook page for FEVERlacquer. You can find it HERE.

I am going to go paint my nails now!!! Look for this post later today!!!


  1. That is so amazing!!! Wow!! I've been following her facebook page and her blog page! Her nail polishes are amazing! I'm so sad that the blue sold out! I LOVE blue!! :D

  2. You are so great you get special treatment, it is really nice, lovely polish ;)


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