Monday, May 20, 2013

Red Dog Designs The Temptress ♥

Personal Collection

It's Monday - again. Is it just me or does it seem like Monday comes way more frequently than any other day of the week? LOL! Well, to help perk up your Monday I have a super pretty glitter to show you today!

Red Dog Designs The Temptress is from her original collection called "The Original Series Collection" that payed homage to the original Star Trek series. I'm a little slow in getting this collection but they are so gorgeous! (I will have The Engineer to show you soon.) I figured with the release of the new movie, it would be a great time to show it off!

The Temptress is a mix of green glitters in a green base with an amazing holo shimmer. I love this one - it has sort of a "swampy" feel to it but is still so sparkly and pretty! I layered one coat The Temptress over butter LONDON Dosh because I was already wearing Dosh but you can wear The Temptress on its own. To see two coats by itself visit Pointless Cafe's post here.  I am showing it shiny and matte! (Shiny is with one coat of Poshe and the matte topcoat I used was butter LONDON's.)

Red Dog Designs The Temptress

Red Dog Designs The Temptress

Red Dog Designs The Temptress (matte)

Red Dog Designs The Temptress (matte)

Red Dog Designs The Temptress

Isn't she gorgeous!?

Red Dog Designs polishes retail for $8.75 for a full size bottle. Make sure to check out Red Dog Designs' Facebook page (where you can find even more swatches!) to stay up-to-date on re-stocks and don't forget to check out her "About" section for all sorts of information including ingredients and testing information, etc. To purchase, go to her shop here

Thanks for reading and happy polishing! ♥



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