Friday, December 18, 2015

Salon Perfect Holiday Giveaway Limited Editions - Swatches and Review

Happy Friday! I have swatches of the Salon Perfect polishes that are in the Season's Greetings Giveaway! (If you missed my post for the giveaway, you can click here or find it on the right sidebar of my blog.) These polishes were created solely for the purpose of holiday giveaways and will not be available for purchase! In addition to these 4 LEs, each winner (there will be 14 of them!) will also receive a bottle of Salon Perfect Sugar Cube and a bottle of their top coat!

All four of these polishes had the same formula, thy were easy to work with and I had no issues. They are very sparkly glitters in a tinted/jelly base. Each one was opaque in 2-3 coats depending on how thick your coats are. I used one coat of Salon Perfect's top coat for these photos.

I apologize for the lack of consistency in the lighting on these photos. I only had sunlight for the first one I swatched (which I am including to help show the sparkle in them) and then for some reason my camera went on the fritz and most of my photos turned out very blurry and I had no time to reswatch them. I think they're still good enough to give you an idea of what you'll be getting if you win!

Plum Crazy




Electric Avenue

Artificial lighting


Emerald City



You Give Me Fever




Aren't they pretty? So blingy and perfect for the holidays! Make sure you enter my giveaway quickly - it ends Saturday, the 19th (tomorrow) at 11:59 PM! Good luck!

Season's Greeting Salon Perfect Giveaway

Thanks for reading and happy polishing!



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