Sunday, June 21, 2015

Girly Bits: Border Patrol (Latex Nail Art Barrier) - Review

Hello! I am so excited to share this review with you today! Several months back (in September/October) I started trying out the liquid latex and other similar products that were all hitting the nail world because, hello, easy clean up for nail art! However, every single one I tried I could not handle because of the smell.  But this one does not smell like the others and it works better! Keep reading to see the mani below as I created it and hear all my thoughts on this awesome product.

Girly Bits Border Patrol is, by far, the best nail art barrier I have used and I have tried 4-5 others besides this one. As I stated earlier, this one does not smell. (If you put the whole bottle up to your nose there is a smell, but I wouldn't recommend doing this with any product. ;) In regular use, there is not a noticeable smell.) In addition to that, this product is really amazing. The application is a breeze and it dries very quickly so you don't have to wait long to move on to your nail art. Let me walk you through this mani so you get a good idea of how well this works. (I apologize for the colors being off in some of my photos. I did this mani late at night and was having issues with my lamps.)


First I painted my nails with a light grey creme. While that was drying I applied Border Patrol. It dries very quickly, and was ready to use around the same time as my polish that I had topped with a fast drying top coat. 


I then did a spray marble using 4 of the Girly Bits neons from the Hoop, There It Is Collection (It's Hoop to be Square, These Hips Don't Lie, Hoop! There it is and Thump Your Melons, which is one of the best polish names ever). I just have to add that that whole collection is amazing and I am so happy I bought all of them! 

If you've ever done a spray marble, or any kind of water marble, you know how messy they are. I would normally cover a larger area but for the purpose of this example, I chose to do a smaller area so you can see how easily the product peels off the polish on top of the barrier. The photo below shows what my hand looked like after doing the spray marble, before any clean up.


As you can see above, I had several areas where the polish went "outside" the area where I had the Border Patrol. The photo below shows what it looked like after I peeled off the Border Patrol. I had not done any other cleanup at this point. As you can see, the area where Border Patrol was is perfectly clean. It peels off very easily, no problem with removal at all.


And, the finished product!

As I'm sure you can tell by now, I am in love with this product. I've had it for a few weeks and have used it several times now, including for a pedicure. I have the world's smallest toenails and am horrible at painting my toes because they are so small and they are hard for me to reach! I used this around my toe nails and my pedi came out so much better and it was so much easier than trying to use a cleanup brush and acetone.  I will most definitely be buying more. 

This launched today, Sunday, June 21st, and is in the shop now! It retails for $5 CAD (which is $4.08 USD as I type this). There are also several new polishes launching today as well! Please visit Girly Bits at the links below to learn more about all the new happenings!

Girly Bits' website

Google Plus

Thanks for reading and happy polishing!



  1. Thanks so much for sharing Ashley. And I am so glad to hear that the smell of this one doesn't bother you!!! <3
    Great nail art too!!

  2. Oh this is exactely what I need! I have tried DIY peel off but it is so difficult to spread, and it takes quite long to dry, so I definitely need something like this!


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