Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Digit-al Dozen Does New and Improved: Day 3 - Sharpie and Stamping

Hello! I am a day behind (well technically almost two days behind!), but better late than never, right? I am going to try to keep this post short because it is getting late and this day has kicked my butt. For this mani I tried a technique I've never tried before and used a brand new stamping plate!

I started out with a base of Darling Diva Polish Mother. Once it was dry I covered my nails in random patterns with Sharpies. I then sprayed them with rubbing alcohol (instead of using a brush like other versions of this mani I have seen). Spraying too much will completely remove the marker but it was super easy to do and pretty impossible to mess up. I then top coated using Girly Bits What a Rush. After that was dry I used my new Girly Bits stamping plate (plate 1-01) and added some super fun music note stars that were inspired by Pam's first tattoo! I really love this image over the fun base!

You don't want to miss the amazing manis below!

Thanks for reading and happy polishing!



  1. Ashley, this looks SOOO awesome!! I love love love the sharpie water colour effect. And I love that you chose that image! <3

  2. Beautiful! Another method I haven't tried! I seem so boring!

  3. Oooooh sharpie! Instantly impressed! Love it.


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