Monday, January 11, 2016

The Digit-al Dozen Does New and Improved: Day 1 - Dotted Heart

Hello and welcome to a brand new Digit-al Dozen Week! The theme this month is "new and improved" - so many possibilities with this theme! New techniques we've never tried before, improving on things we may not be the best at or even re-creating old manis that we want to improve! Today I chose to try a type of nail art I've never done before. I've seen "dotted image" nail art before but when I saw this mani from fellow Digit-al Dozen-er Lindsey from Wondrously Polished I knew I wanted to attempt some this week.

As with most things I decide to attempt, it was SO much harder than I anticipated! I expected it to be hard, but sheesh! LOL! This was the final result after removing it and re-doing it about 12 times. Let's see how I did!

Something else I've been trying very hard to improve is my indoor lighting for my photos. Part of the reason I haven't been blogging as much as I used to is that my schedule has been pretty crazy and being able to take photos during the day has gotten extremely difficult. I'm still not 100% happy with them, but I can tell a big difference and I am going to keep trying to improve them until I am happy with them!

Now, for the mani at hand! (Hehe, see what I did there? ;) ) I started with a base of Inglot 653 (swatches coming soon), which was a gift from a lovely friend. I am obsessed with red and black together so I decided to create the heart using black acrylic paint. After multiple attempts I finally got a design that resembled a heart and called it good! I topped everything off with a coat of Girly Bits What a Rush. I considered adding a matte topcoat (you all know that's my favorite!), but this red was so shiny on its own I was really enjoying the finished product in all of its shiny glory.

Make sure you check out the amazingly talented ladies below! We have 6 brand new members starting this month and they all brought their a-game so make sure you show them some love as well!

Thanks for reading and happy polishing!


  1. Your perseverance paid off! I haven't done this either; I've seen so many cool mani's with the method and its on my list of things to do some day!

  2. These are so cute and creative! I really wouldn't have been able to shape this as nicely as you did at all.


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