Monday, August 27, 2012

Girly Bits Cosmic Ocean Over China Glaze Wagon Trail and Black!

Hello everyone! I have a long post with entirely too many pics tonight (if that is even possible LOL). 

Girly Bits Cosmic Ocean is a gorgeous green/blue/teal multichrome topper. This looks so amazing over so many different colors. I started out swatching it over black and did an accent nail with China Glaze Wagon Trail to see how it would look. Well, I ended up loving it so much that I used it for my whole mani! LOL So I have photos of it over Wagon Trail and then photos at the end of it over black with Wagon Trail as the accent nail. 

The formula was perfect, no issues whatsoever. I used two coats of Cosmic Ocean for all of the photos. Please excuse my dry skin - between cleaning and swatching it has taken a beating.

Girly Bits Cosmic Ocean over China Glaze Wagon Trail

Girly Bits Cosmic Ocean over China Glaze Wagon Trail

Girly Bits Cosmic Ocean over China Glaze Wagon Trail

Girly Bits Cosmic Ocean over China Glaze Wagon Trail

Girly Bits Cosmic Ocean over China Glaze Wagon Trail

Girly Bits Cosmic Ocean over China Glaze Wagon Trail

Girly Bits Cosmic Ocean over China Glaze Wagon Trail

Girly Bits Cosmic Ocean over China Glaze Wagon Trail

Girly Bits Cosmic Ocean over black with China Glaze Wagon Trail accent

Girly Bits Cosmic Ocean over black with China Glaze Wagon Trail accent

Girly Bits Cosmic Ocean over black with China Glaze Wagon Trail accent

Girly Bits Cosmic Ocean over black with China Glaze Wagon Trail accent

Girly Bits Cosmic Ocean over black with China Glaze Wagon Trail accent

Girly Bits Cosmic Ocean over black with China Glaze Wagon Trail accent

Girly Bits Cosmic Ocean over black with China Glaze Wagon Trail accent

How about that? Isn't it amazeballs?!

Girly Bits is available on Big Cartel and also available at and Harlow & Co. for $10 to $13 retail for full .5 oz bottles.Don't forget to follow Pam at Girly Bits on Facebook and on her blog for updates on Smurf Dance and all of her other polishes.



  1. This is FANTASTIC over Wagon Trail!

  2. This is gorgeous!! It looks brilliant over Wagon Trail, it just glows!

  3. I love it over Wagon Trail, I have that but now I'm gonna have to get Cosmic Ocean to do that!

  4. Stunning combo!! And now I need Cosmic Ocean!!

  5. Oh my goodness, that is so exciting over wagon trail. I want this mani cause its perfect!

  6. Oh wow! Very Pretty, I am so glad I ordered this one!
    I can't wait to use it now.


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