Happy (almost) New Year's Eve everyone! Tonight I have for you a favorites post that is a little different than some you have been seeing around the blogosphere. These are my favorite polishes that I acquired this year that were released prior to this year - in other words, polishes I was behind on!
I was going to narrow this down to 12 for 2012 but I just couldn't knock any of these off my list so I have lucky #13 for you today. Here they are in no particular order.
Chanel Dragon - I received this as a birthday gift in November. It was my first Chanel and it is simply amazing. Perfect. Red. Creme.
Chanel Dragon |
China Glaze High Def - this is from China Glaze's Tronica Collection that came out in 2011 - and I managed to miss every single one. Now I need them all. LOL! This one is a perfect dusty blue.
China Glaze High Def |
Dior Liquorice - this super hard-to-find Dior is simply amazing. The picture speaks for itself.
Dior Liquorice |
Illamasqua Hectic - I do love me some poopy greens and this one is my favorite. It was not easy to acquire this polish as it is extremely hard-to-find so that makes me treasure it even more.
Illamasqua Hectic |
MAC Bad Fairy - this one needs no explanation. And the story behind it makes it very near and dear to my heart.
MAC Bad Fairy |
Zoya Petra - this is one of my go-to polishes. I wear this polish a lot and am at least halfway through the bottle.
Zoya Petra |
Dior Purple Mix - one of my favorite polishes out of my whole stash. You can't go wrong with a Dior creme and this color is to die for.
Dior Purple Mix |
China Glaze Hyper Haute - another offering from the Tronica Collection. This is my favorite out of the Tronicas that I have so far.
China Glaze Hyper Haute |
Zoya Jana - I wear this polish all. the. time. However, I realized I have NEVER blogged it! How in the world did that happen? LOL! So, I have borrowed a photo from
Pointless Cafe.
Zoya Jana |
Dior Jamaican Pepper - can you tell that I love Dior? This time last year I had never even considered Dior polish - now it is one of my favorites. I would own even more if my wallet would let me!
Dior Jamaican Pepper |
Orly Frolic - just such a happy, cheery color.
Orly Frolic |
Orly Green Apple - this shade of green looks yummy enough to eat (pun intended).
Orly Green Apple |
Sinful Colors Dream On - (shown with stamping) - I absolutely adore this color and the rubber finish of this polish.
Sinful Colors Dream On |
Well, there are my previously-released favorites! I will be back tomorrow with more favorites! Let me know your favorites in the comments!
Thanks for reading and happy polishing! ♥