Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cult Nails Spam Post

I have posted all of these polishes before so I am not going to go into do a review of them, since I have already done that. I just thought they were so pretty that they deserved a second look. Enjoy the spam. :)


Clairvoyant over Vicious (Gradient with a full accent nail on ring finger)

Clairvoyant over Power Thief (and an accent thumb with Joe Fresh Moss)

Power Thief

And I saved my favorite for last... In A Trance

Aren't they amazing?! I highly recommend Cult Nails. Their polishes are amazing and they have EXCELLENT customer service. You can visit their blog and their shop here. Also, make sure to follow on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date on all the latest!


  1. OMG I can't believe you opened the bottle! So jealous!!!! And gorgeous pics!!! I really wanna get In A Trance in the next sale :)

  2. Power thief looks so yummy!

  3. Do you miss your babies so much that you had to pic spam them?! I'm giving them lots of love over here, don't worry. ;D

    1. LOL!!!! I know they are happy visiting you!

  4. Ooh, a typo on Power Thief's label :D I love stuff like that, haha. Nice spam :)

  5. Vicious is very much dupe-able in a lot of other lines. Power Theif looked just BAD on me and I donated it to the Women's Shelter. In a Trance I fell for all the hype about it. When I got it, it's pretty but I had so many green/golds all at once I don't think any really got a great report from me because the trend was so over done. Maybe this fall I will return visit all of my gold/greens - thinning them out and keeping just my very fav maybe 3 or 4.

    1. Oh and BTW - love spam blogs... Bottle spam, swatches (better of course), nail wheel spam - it's just all great in my book.


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